

Yesterday I sent out  the following questions to quite a large mailing list I put together, I've already had a few responses so I'm looking forward to getting more.


1. Your work consists of projects where a decisions into printing and finishing have been carefully considered. Has this element always been a part of your design process, or it it something you have considered more as your career has moved along?

2. How comprehensive would you say your knowledge of print is? By this I mean your understanding into the physical processes that are gone through to achieve the results such as how the machines work, what set up is required ect.

3. Do you work with a number of different printers, or a select few that you keep going back to?

4. How important in your opinion is print and finish to the resolution of a brief in comparison to the development of a concept and other aesthetic elements such as layout or typography.

5. How have your experiences of working with printers been in the past? Have you worked closely with a printer and to a point collaborated on getting the best results, and have you been in situations where problems have arisen between getting the designs to the required result due to a lack of understanding on either party?

6. If you could change anything in general about printers, what would it be?


1. How many of the designers you work with would you say have a comprehensive knowledge of print and finishing, how many do you think have fully considered the possibilities of print and finishing?

2. How comprehensive would you say your knowledge of design is? Do you take an interest in the design of the projects you print or do you feel that as a printer you should only be concerned with the print?

3. How have your experiences of working with designers been? Have you worked closely with a designer and to a point collaborated on projects to get the best results, and have you been it situations where problems have arisen between you and the designer due to a lack of understanding from either party?

4. What kind of jobs would you say you do most?

5. Do you market yourself to a particular type of client such as high end design, more towards low cost, or to put an emphasis on any environmental stance the company has? How was the branding for the company put together?

6. If you could change anything in general about designers, what would it be?

The first six questions went out to designers, about print, the second 6 went out to printers about design. I've tried to flip the questions round on themselves so hopefully I'll get some interesting answers.

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